Cruel and Fierce Inhumanity, Colombian History Pt. 2

… home to a bold statue of an indigenous woman running with one hand holding an axe low and close to her waist as the other defiantly shoots into the sky to display the severed head of a Spanish nobleman. The artist has managed to capture the woman’s fluid bodily motion that surges up to her face crying out for liberation.

In The Beginning There Were Mountains, Colombian History Pt. 1

Three mountain ranges stretch across Colombia’s geography, history, and culture. “In the beginning there were mountains,” writes David Bushnell, marking the cordilleras as prime movers through which rivers, life, and imaginations flow. They are the backdrop and the fountain, giving rise to stunning biodiversity adapted to Andean peaks and to all of the gradients that fade into

Inquiry Project Overview

So what exactly am I going to Bogotá to do? Well, the tentative plan is to learn from Colombian educators, refine my Spanish skills, and eat a bunch of arepas. The inquiry project that I outlined in my application involved working with an innovative non-profit called Fundación Escuela Nueva (FEN) in order to learn from their decades of experience cultivating flexible, student-centered learning spaces.

I won a Fulbright!

I won a Fulbright fellowship! Sometime in late 2019, Abbey encouraged me to apply to the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Research Program, which allows US teachers to spend 3-6 months conducting educational research in another country. I didn’t think that I had much of a chance but Abbey has that special teacher skill of […]